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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # $Id: apparmor_status 1076 2008-01-05 08:29:39Z jrjohansen $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell/SUSE
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
- # License published by the Free Software Foundation.
- #
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- use strict;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Cwd 'abs_path';
- my $confdir = "/etc/apparmor";
- my $sd_mountpoint;
- my $check_enabled = 0;
- my $count_enforced = 0;
- my $count_profiled = 0;
- my $count_complain = 0;
- my $verbose = 0;
- my $help;
- GetOptions(
- 'complaining' => \$count_complain,
- 'enabled' => \$check_enabled,
- 'enforced' => \$count_enforced,
- 'profiled' => \$count_profiled,
- 'verbose|v' => \$verbose,
- 'help|h' => \$help,
- ) or usage();
- sub usage {
- print "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]\n";
- print "Displays various information about the currently loaded AppArmor policy.\n";
- print "OPTIONS (one only):\n";
- print " --enabled returns error code if subdomain not enabled\n";
- print " --profiled prints the number of loaded policies\n";
- print " --enforced prints the number of loaded enforcing policies\n";
- print " --complaining prints the number of loaded non-enforcing policies\n";
- print " --verbose (default) displays multiple data points about loaded policy set\n";
- print " --help this message\n";
- exit;
- }
- $verbose = 1 if ($count_complain + $check_enabled + $count_enforced + $count_profiled == 0);
- usage() if $help or ($count_complain + $check_enabled + $count_enforced + $count_profiled + $verbose > 1);
- sub is_subdomain_loaded() {
- return 1 if (-d "/sys/module/apparmor");
- if(open(MODULES, "/proc/modules")) {
- while(<MODULES>) {
- return 1 if m/^(subdomain|apparmor)\s+/;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub find_subdomainfs() {
- my $sd_mountpoint;
- if(open(MOUNTS, "/proc/mounts")) {
- while(<MOUNTS>) {
- $sd_mountpoint = "$1/apparmor" if m/^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+securityfs\s/ && -e "$1/apparmor";
- $sd_mountpoint = "$1/subdomain" if m/^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+securityfs\s/ && -e "$1/subdomain";
- $sd_mountpoint = $1 if m/^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+subdomainfs\s/ && -e "$1";
- }
- close(MOUNTS);
- }
- return $sd_mountpoint;
- }
- sub get_profiles {
- my $mountpoint = shift;
- my %profiles = ();
- if (open(PROFILES, "$mountpoint/profiles")) {
- while(<PROFILES>) {
- $profiles{$1} = $2 if m/^([^\(]+)\s+\((\w+)\)$/;
- }
- close(PROFILES);
- }
- return (%profiles);
- }
- sub get_processes {
- my %profiles = @_;
- my %processes = ();
- if (opendir(PROC, "/proc")) {
- my $file;
- while (defined($file = readdir(PROC))) {
- if ($file =~ m/^\d+/) {
- if (open(CURRENT, "/proc/$file/attr/current")) {
- while (<CURRENT>) {
- if (m/^([^\(]+)\s+\((\w+)\)$/) {
- $processes{$file}{'profile'} = $1;
- $processes{$file}{'mode'} = $2;
- } elsif (grep(abs_path("/proc/$file/exe") eq $_ , keys(%profiles))) {
- # keep only unconfined processes that have a profile defined
- $processes{$file}{'profile'} = abs_path("/proc/$file/exe");
- $processes{$file}{'mode'} = 'unconfined';
- }
- }
- close(CURRENT);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(PROC);
- }
- return (%processes);
- }
- my $is_loaded = is_subdomain_loaded();
- if (!$is_loaded) {
- print STDERR "apparmor module is not loaded.\n" if $verbose;
- exit 1;
- }
- print "apparmor module is loaded.\n" if $verbose;
- $sd_mountpoint = find_subdomainfs();
- if (!$sd_mountpoint) {
- print STDERR "apparmor filesystem is not mounted.\n" if $verbose;
- exit 3;
- }
- if (! -r "$sd_mountpoint/profiles") {
- print STDERR "You do not have enough privilege to read the profile set.\n" if $verbose;
- exit 4;
- }
- #print "subdomainfs is at $sd_mountpoint.\n" if $verbose;
- # processes is a hash table :
- # * keys : processes pid
- # * values : hash containing information about the running process:
- # * 'profile' : name of the profile applied to the running process
- # * 'mode' : mode of the profile applied to the running process
- my %processes = ();
- my %enforced_processes = ();
- my %complain_processes = ();
- my %unconfined_processes = ();
- # profiles is a hash table :
- # * keys : profile name
- # * value : profile mode
- my %profiles;
- my @enforced_profiles = ();
- my @complain_profiles = ();
- %profiles = get_profiles($sd_mountpoint);
- @enforced_profiles = grep { $profiles{$_} eq 'enforce' } keys %profiles;
- @complain_profiles = grep { $profiles{$_} eq 'complain' } keys %profiles;
- # we consider the case where no profiles are loaded to be "disabled" as well
- my $rc = (keys(%profiles) == 0) ? 2 : 0;
- if ($check_enabled) {
- exit $rc;
- }
- if ($count_profiled) {
- print scalar(keys(%profiles)). "\n";
- exit $rc;
- }
- if ($count_enforced) {
- print $#enforced_profiles + 1 . "\n";
- exit $rc;
- }
- if ($count_complain) {
- print $#complain_profiles + 1 . "\n";
- exit $rc;
- }
- if ($verbose) {
- print keys(%profiles) . " profiles are loaded.\n";
- print $#enforced_profiles + 1 . " profiles are in enforce mode.\n";
- for (@enforced_profiles) {
- print " " . $_ . "\n";
- }
- print $#complain_profiles + 1 . " profiles are in complain mode.\n";
- for (@complain_profiles) {
- print " " . $_ . "\n";
- }
- }
- %processes = get_processes(%profiles);
- if ($verbose) {
- for (keys(%processes)) {
- $enforced_processes{$_} = $processes{$_} if $processes{$_}{'mode'} eq 'enforce';
- $complain_processes{$_} = $processes{$_} if $processes{$_}{'mode'} eq 'complain';
- # some early code uses unconfined instead of unconfined.
- $unconfined_processes{$_} = $processes{$_} if $processes{$_}{'mode'} =~ /uncon(fi|strai)ned/;
- }
- print keys(%processes) . " processes have profiles defined.\n";
- print keys(%enforced_processes) . " processes are in enforce mode :\n";
- for (keys(%enforced_processes)) {
- print " " . $enforced_processes{$_}{'profile'} . " ($_) \n";
- }
- print keys(%complain_processes) . " processes are in complain mode.\n";
- for (keys(%complain_processes)) {
- print " " . $complain_processes{$_}{'profile'} . " ($_) \n";
- }
- print keys(%unconfined_processes) . " processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.\n";
- for (keys(%unconfined_processes)) {
- print " " . $unconfined_processes{$_}{'profile'} . " ($_) \n";
- }
- }
- exit $rc;